Friday, February 20, 2009

Which Mona Lisa will you frame?

The orginal Mona Lisa is "...the girl you take home to mom..." the parody Mona Lisa " the girl you take to a revoluntionary protest..."
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  1. How do we know without more information about the production and life of the artist (second Mona Lisa) whether this is a case of cryptomnesia? Why isn't it just pure parody--which is a conscious and political phenomenon and not an innocent, subconscious act? The quote suggests political motive. Or do you need to educate me more re the nature of cryptomnesia?

  2. Here's a title (and it's in Parish Library) that theorizes how images and texts (visuals and verbals) whose relationships are not precisely clear are used in advertising to get readers to pay attention to the puzzle--in other words, to get actively involved in meaning making:
    Greg Myers, Words in Ads. Check it out.

  3. I like the title for this post. Very creative.
