Friday, February 20, 2009

Cryptomnesia: defined

Cryptomnesia is inadvertent plagiarism. "A memory bias whereby a person falsely recalls generating a though, an idea, a song, or a joke, when the though was actually generated by someone else." This memory is experienced as if it were a new inspiration. Let's call this a sleeper effect where the idea being plagerized is one of familiarity, however the differences created cause the orginal to be forced into the unconscious.

Relation to philosophy: Carl Jung has one: "The ability to reach a rich vein of such material (of the unconscious) and to translate it effectively into philosophy, literature, music, or scientific discovery is one of the hallmarks of what is commonly called genius.

The multiple layers of "Mona Lisa" arise questions as to what the under layers are and would perhaps be reflective of other art in the time period. Mona Lisa, you're the last of your kind.


  1. I like your new title, it makes a lot of sense in relation to your blog and the fact that a lot of the art that you are featuring is "borrowed" from the original artist and altered to make a point.

  2. Can you please provide more information on cryptomnesia?

  3. Isn't art already abastract and people interpret it in different ways? Why do people change art from its original form to another? Is this what cryptomnesia is??? sorry I am confused
